Well the Macys’ Day Parade smacked tradition in ass, doncha think? It was in the last Claus LOL ( I crack myself up) … There comes a point in societal standards where we break it off and move on. Inclusion is not the way of Jesus. He corrected sin. He forgave a whore. He did not tolerate.
The world is on the fast track to healing….it must also find reserve and not overcompensate. These are exciting times. Where does my heart take me? Love is spent…..overdrawn even. This season of giving will make or break.
In 2008, sixteen years ago, I was in Florida by my own choice, HOWEVER on that warm Friday after Thanksgiving, I had the experience of knowing what a Baker Act was. It was not a traveling pastry concession. I still had a ways to go. When your time is all you have and some one takes it?…it will leave a scar. If scars build character, then I am the example in the picture.
Jesus was there, when I wasn’t.
He still is, when I’m not.