Greg Maxwell and Tanner Maxwell are the dynamic duo of disciplined duplicity. A father and son team that evolves each year.
We are planning more social gatherings when the Covid19 takes a break….some of us need to socialize, and others are fine in their own little world.
Alive with Autism has had over one million views on a single post….we are grateful.
We are always in search of projects that can help others. We like to serve our communities and champion for inclusion. We like to dream and even share our dreams. Making some dreams come true is also part of what we do. We are not afraid to put our hands to the plow and sow some good soil.
Our faith is strong…..we do nothing by our own power, and invite you to share in what our core values are that drive us from day to day, and project to project.
Tanner is an active advocate for disabilities….