..and the wheels go round and round. Self reflection can be cathartic and cleansing.
SO, where am I in this journey? I have ALWAYS been there. Here. AVAILABLE! Which is more than I can say for some. (wink wink) It’s on them, not me.
People wave this “Tolerance” flag like a badge of honor while having zero tolerance themselves, and with that hypocrisy, call me out as a hypocrite. Who’s the victim? Where’s the love? How much for the doggy in the window? Maybe I’m at the wrong event and should go to the one down the street?
Evil is the enemy of good. Satanic powers and principalities are so bold today. The bible warns and teaches us about the false prophets and those seeking after their own lustful desires. Mental illness is rampant and the demon possessed people are serving as role models in our government. The world hates me, and I am fine with that. For the world first hated Jesus Christ, I will also be condemned for following Him. This is my cross to bear. Loving my brother as myself, not a problem. Accepting their sin as a condition is contrary to the very nature of the Messiah.