These are the times we live in~~~
My convictions have me doing less magic at which I am amused to a point. I have thousands of performances and like Jesus, little evidence is recorded. But its there. I have been called the devil on many occasions, (that was not my goal)
What was my driving force? It was to help and teach some object lessons about Christ, with some pomp and circumstance……you know, like Abraham and Sarah used Hagar,….”to help God out”. This is not my calling, however God does extend His mercy for my wandering off. Am I perfect? NO….I am forgiven.
We are in prolific times right now. The season for the Second Coming of Christ is near. People calling what it is EVIL, good,……..and what is GOOD. evil. This is foretold, so it is not a surprise. I haven’t been as Christ centered as should be. I am going to change that. Life and death lay in the power of the tongue. A man is known by the fruits of his labor.
My anxiety is up and down, I want to write everything I KNOW DOWN, RIGHT NOW. …but that is not how it works. I am given this time to share these thoughts. Tomorrow’s thoughts and plans have no bearing as they will take care of themselves when the time is right.
Have the lambs stopped screaming yet?