Superman Crashes

This song was introduced to me at a time when I was in transition.

It takes me back to Savannah, GA……1994. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly…. To which I have overcome.

The was a Globe of the World……faded then, painted now…….2021. Sometimes going back is good medicine. I still like Tybee Best. ….it is more improved……I had my eye on the lighthouse.

I was 31, traveled and yet, innocent in many ways. I am Thankful and here…..I am blessed and highly favored.

Love never comes without a cost……even though, like kindness, being “free”… more than a word, but an action. The Burden of the Worlds sins were laid on the cross that Jesus carried to his own place of death. Yeah, just like digging your own grave….. But rejoice, for today is the day of salvation.

Jesus the Tarzan and Supe of all creation. He never turned his back……Not like the father, for he could not look at sin…..for a moment there was No Light in the Earth. Until Glory found heaven.
