Russell Brand has been saved!
….and is now a brother in Christ. He was excited about his recent conversion and subsequent baptism. I rejoice with him and lift him up in prayers.
Just like Russell, I share the excitement of the saving power of Jesus. …and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. However, the ever-present enemy has also been alerted and this means that the spiritual attacks will come hard and fast at this babe in Christ. Whew. ….but, it’s true.
I can’t/won’t cover the rabbit trails this leads me to….only the topic lines.
New Christians seek and some are lead away. They did not test the spirits to see if they are of God.
So many fall away, examples of past converts given back to the world. Larry Flint, Kanye West, Jim Bakker.
Others become unconscionable fanatics, veering off into outer space.
This is mainly about the celebration of eternal life. Everything we do and say,(every idle word)…will be weighed against us at the final judgement. Where do you stand? Personally, I am a sinner in need of a Savior. Jesus is the One full of grace and mercy and will always forgive us. Welcome to the Family Russell.